• 尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!

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    尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏中医药文化
    Chinese medicine culture of Tong Ren Tang

    尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏中医药文化是在继承祖国传统中医药文化精华,并融入宫廷医药规范的基础上,经过三百余年的传承与创新,将中医与中药相结合,传统与现代相结合,国内发展与海外发展相结合,所形成的具有自身特色的传统技艺、炮制方法、仁德文化、质量文化、经营哲学、品牌形象和团队精神的总和。

    The Chinese medicine culture of Tong Ren Tang integrates the essence of traditional Chinese medicine with the medicine standards for Chinese imperial family. Through three hundred years of inheritance and innovation, Tong Ren Tang combines Chinese medical practices and medicines, tradition and modernity as well as domestic and overseas development, forming a unique integration of traditional techniques, preparation methods, cultures of benevolence and quality, business philosophy, brand image and team spirit.
